Palm Reader

I guess this poem can answer cake vs pie. It is so damn poetic the answer can only be known by the most keen ear. More likely though, I think this might be able to virtues I abhor, mainly people looking towards the future as if tomorrow is the place to be. In actuality, today is the day we should care about, like David Hume said, the sun may not rise tomorrow. Of course I am paraphrasing but heck, smile, we got today and who knows about tomorrow? Cheers readers (2 of you!)

Music that moves me

I am no expert on music. If you were to listen to my I-pod, which does not exist, you would find it filled with songs I heard once as a child and then forgot only to hum in the bathroom years later. Nonetheless, poetry has been always something I have adored and lyrics is often meant to be poetry, of course negating rap lyrics like: “ooo baby i want your fluff muff into my apple snider.” I am not sure what the kids listen to nowadays, but I attempted a song/poem by using one of my poems and matching it to a song entitled Same Stars We Shared by Amatorski. The poem has the title of, A Star Dying. I hope you enjoy it!